Keep Smiling
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachThere is an easy way to make the world a better place. Keep smiling! A smile is the quickest way to make the world more beautiful, the quickest way to make a difference in someone’s life. Just as the sun warms and nourishes the earth, a friendly smile warms and feeds the hearts of others. When we smile, we express our inner sunshine, our true nature, our soul.
As a result of modern innovations the world seems smaller; unfortunately, for many of us, the distance between our hearts has grown. This timely and uplifting booklet discusses the powerful, healing effects a smile brings to us and others. Hidden within a simple smile is the spirit of oneness and true harmony.

Know Your Mind
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachParamahamsa Prajnanananda takes us on a fascinating journey into our own mind. Possessing a keen insight into the human psyche, he has the remarkable ability to take this complex knowledge and explain it in a manner that is easily understood by all.

Krishna Katha
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD10.00 eachThe deeper meaning of Lord Krishna's divine play is often overlooked by the casual observer. With clear, concise, language Paramahamsa Prajnanananda provides insight into the symbolic meaning of the beautiful stories that surround the Lord. Not only does this volume serve to familiarize one with the stories of the Lord, it elucidates key aspects of Vedic philosophy.

Kriya Diary: A Handbook for Self-Analysis
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD5.00 eachMany spiritual masters have advised seekers to regularly write in a diary, keeping note of their daily activities and practice. It is a simple way of assessing how we are proceeding on the spiritual path. It is through self-analysis that we can get a clear picture of what we are really doing in our daily lives, what the problems are, and how we can make practical and positive changes so that we can transform our lives and experience more love, peace, happiness, and success. This life is a gift of God, and we should utilize this life intelligently for self-improvement and inner transformation.

Kriya Yoga: In the Flow of Omniscience
AUD25.00 eachThis is a colourful pictorial book with beautiful, rare, and original paintings of the masters of the Kriya Yoga lineage with brief descriptions of their lives and messages, photos of Paramahamsa Hariharananda's ashrams, charity projects, centenary events and much more.

Kriya Yoga: The Path of Soul Culture (booklet)
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachKriya Yoga is a path for self-unfoldment through the practice of silent meditation and sincere prayer. In this booklet, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda gives an introduction to the ancient, scientific practice of Kriya Yoga and teaches how we can change and enrich our lives.

Kriya Yoga: The Scientific Process of Soul Culture - 6th Edition
Paramahamsa Hariharananda
AUD25.00 eachAn in-depth study and exposition of the Authentic and Original Kriya Yoga. Revised and Augmented 6th Edition.

Lahiri Mahashaya: Fountainhead of Kriya Yoga
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachThe life and teachings of Lahiri Mahashaya.
While leading an ordinary life amidst every sort of adversity possible to the worldly man, Lahiri Mahasaya was able to reach the apogee of Self-realization. Through the practice of the divine and immortal Kriya Yoga, he not only sanctified his life, but was able under the guidance of his master Mahavatar Babaji to spread the teaching and practice of Kriya Yoga throughout India, and through his disciples, throughout the world.

Lahiri Mahashaya: His Life and Legacy (comic book)
Children's Literature Series
AUD5.00 eachThe ancient technique of Kriya Yoga was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Lahiri Mahasaya. A husband and father, he nonetheless led an exceptional spiritual life. After being inititated by Mahavatar Babaji, he was instructed by the deathless guru to return to family life and spread this simple and effective technique.

Life and Values
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachThe secret of the art of living a productive and happy life, by analysing our weaknesses and strengths, cultivating values, and living consciously.

Lord Jaganath: Through the Eyes of a Yogi
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachWithin the hallowed confines of Puri, one of Indias most holy cities, stands the Jagannath Temple. This magnificent monument is dedicated to the Supreme Lord of the Universe, Shri Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu.
This collection of fifty essays offers the reader a unique insight into the supreme reality of life: it offers a glimpse of Lord Jagannath. Based on the teachings of his beloved Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the master invites us to view one of Indias greatest mysteries through the clear, unobstructed lens of an omniscient and enlightened yogi.

Mahavatar Babaji: The Eternal Light of God
Swami Prajnanananda Giri
AUD15.00 eachIn this book Swami Prajnanananda Giri tells us a little about the mysterious Himalayan yogi known as Mahavatar Babaji, who re-introduced Kriya Yoga to modern times through his desciple Lahiri Mahasaya in 1861.

My Brother, Brahmanandaji
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachFrom their first pilgrimage to the Himalayan Mountains, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda and Swami Brahmananda formed a bond of friendship that would serve them both as a source of strength and support in their pilgrimage through life. Their complementary natures and uniformity of mind brought them together in their love and devotion to Gurudev Baba Hariharananda and their service in bringing Kriya Yoga to the world.
For over twenty years, their friendship was the personification of Kriya principals: spiritual growth, love without attachment or expectation, and selfless service to God, masters and humanity. The story of their friendship is an inspiration to all and conveys invaluable lessons for both practical life and progression on the spiritual path.

My Gurus - Teachings of the Avadhuta
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachAges ago in ancient India a great king sat at the feet of Avadhuta, a naked sage, and asked that very question. He sensed that the incomparable sage had found the secret to attaining the happiness that he so desperately sought. “How did you achieve your knowledge? Who is your guru?” asked the eager king. When Avadhuta answered, the soul of the story began.
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda lovingly narrates the simple yet thought-provoking tale of Avadhuta and his twenty-four gurus. This tale helps us discover that the secret to true happiness is linked to our perception of the world. When viewed through the eyes of innocence and wonder, the entire world can become a magical classroom, abounding with teachers at every turn.

My Relationship with God - Queen Gandhari's Prayer from the Heart
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
FreeMany of us consider our relationship with God separate from everyday life. Queen Gandhari, the wife of the blind King Dhritarashtra, had a different view. She did not limit her relationship with God; she expanded it. She discovered that God is the essence of every relationship in life.
This insightful book explores our most valuable relationship - our eternal relationship with the Divine. This commentary on the beautiful and heartfelt prayer of Queen Gandhari (found in the Prapanna Gita) awakens us to the significance of expanding our concept of God. The divine relationship is not only uplifting and fulfilling; it is also enlightening.

My Time with the Master - 2nd Edition
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachThe new expanded edition of this much-loved book offers stories and insights not previously included.
“What is started by me has to be completed by him.” These words were used by Paramahamsa Hariharananda regarding his young disciple, long before he made him a monk, years before he was designated as his chosen spiritual successor.
Many years ago a young spiritual aspirant known as Triloki Dash began an apprenticeship with Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the eminent Kriya Yoga master. These two exceptional beings gave their utmost to each other; ultimately, they would both guide others along the path of realisation. This book is filled with Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s private memories of his life under the guidance of his beloved Gurudev. He shares with us the world of his early youth and training. We glimpse his journey as a seeker. We hear the stories about his life-changing transformation. We enjoy a rare, candid view into the life of a disciple who achieved spiritual realisation by obediently following his teacher’s footsteps.
The best way to master a skill is to learn from one who has already mastered it. Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji was the exceptional apprentice who became a master and his master’s successor.

Mysticism of Religious Symbols
Paramahamsa Hariharananda
AUD10.00 eachThis book is a compilation of the mystical messages of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, revealing the truth behind many symbols used in various religions and culture. Although brief, it speaks about some of the religions and their message for humanity.

Nava Durga: Multiple Forms of the Mother
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD5.00 eachReveals the inner significance of The Divine Mother, and explains how she is manifested in our own body.

Nectar Drops
Paramahamsa Hariharananda
AUD5.00 eachThe words of Paramahamsa Hariharananda are drops of Divine Nectar, words that saturate the mind with pure love, words whose real meaning unleashes the brilliant image of God, with blinding and absolute bliss.

Only Her Grace - 3 volume set
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD50.00 eachDurga Saptashati, also known as the Chandi or Devi Mahatmya, is an ancient scripture with 700 verses that extol the power of the Divine Mother in battle. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda beautifully explains how the raging battles actually demonstrate the love of the Mother. In this three volume commentary, he describes the nurturing power of the Mother, marveling over how She simultaneously wakens the sleeping child, disciplines the restless one, and uplifts the one seeking liberation.

Paramahamsa Hariharananda: A Life and Legacy in Pictures
AUD25.00 eachPrinted to commemorate the centenary of our loving Baba, this pictorial biography offers a rare glimpse into the life of this spiritual master.
Paramahamsa Hariharananda's radiant love and ability to guide seeker's spiritual progress compassionately, in very individual ways, deeply touched the lives of all who encountered this divine master, known affectionately as 'Baba' (father). Using Kriya Yoga meditation techniques as the basis of his teachings, he nurtured the spiritual development of each student.

Paramahamsa Hariharananda: A Yogi of Modern India
Children's Literature Series 1
AUD5.00 eachA beautifully illustrated book about the life of Paramahamsa Hariharananda.

Path of Knowledge: Talks on Acharya Shankara's Tattva Bodha
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 eachThis book provides a clear and concise outline of what is required to achieve freedom and immortality. It illuminates the eternal message of achieving moksha liberation in this life. Archarya Shankaras original commentaries encapsulated the very essence of Vedantic thought and infused new life into a philosophy that had become misunderstood and stale.
Paramahamsa Prajnananandas commentary is profound and thought provoking as well as highly practical.

Path of Love
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachA step by step approach on how to transform our life and reach the supreme stage of union with God.

Pebbles from the Pond
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachThe pages of this book contain rare stories that comprise a treasure trove of wisdom, insight, and guidance. Unique in their appeal to people of all faiths and backgrounds, they are merely a sampling of the endless fountain of stories flowing from the divine storyteller, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda. These stories will continue to teach you long after you have finished reading them.