Each Human Body is a Bhagavad Gita
Paramahamsa Hariharananda
AUD3.00 eachA lucid description of the battle of life looked at through the message of the Bhagavad Gita.

East Meets West - Journeys of the Masters
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD10.00 eachThe journey of civilization, the passage of time, and the spread of commercialization have resulted in social lifestyle changes in the latter part of the nineteenth century. The West witnessed a great upsurge of materialism and downswing in human values such as love and compassion. To bring a balance in both the materialism of the West as well as the eternal human values of love, kindness and compassion of the East, the enlightened spiritual masters of India brought their beautiful teachings to enrich human civilization and to seamlessly blend the spiritual with the material.

Eternal Love - The Bhakti Sutra of Narada Explained
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD35.00 eachTo live each moment in ecstatic bliss and love seems an impossible dream. But for those who fully immerse themselves in the practice of bhakti, love and devotion for God, this dream can become a reality. When God is your only desire and the true beloved in your heart, the yoke of life becomes lighter, and the phantom shackles of the world will fall away. The beauty of bhakti is its simplicity. It can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, regardless of culture or faith. The only requirement is a willingness to open your heart to the boundless and unconditional love of God; then, you will manifest love during every thought, word, and action. Ultimately, you will attain union with the Divine. This declaration is affirmed by the celestial Sage Narada in the immortal Bhakti Sutra of Narada.

Even This Shall Pass Away
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 each
Expressions of Love - Prayer and Meditation
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD2.00 eachDriven by an unrelenting desire for nectar, the butterfly flies from one flower to the next. When it discovers the one that holds the sweet treasure, it gently alights, becoming completely still, as it blissfully enjoys the nectar. Similarly, our restless mind is like the fluttering butterfly, going here and there in a constant pursuit to find the sweetness of happiness and peace - but it is only when we become absorbed in meditation and prayer and the mind is still and tranquil that we will enjoy the divine nectar.

Footprints of the Master
AUD25.00 eachParamahamsa Hariharananda's life was one of love and service, completely dedicated to God and masters.
This book is a compilation of the memories of his students, who had the opportunity to be with him.

Forgive My Forgetfulness
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachCommentary by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda on Shiva Aparadha Ksamapana Stotram by Adi Shankara. In this work he reminds us how we have forgotten the One who is the source of our life and our divine nature.

Freedom From Anger
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 each
Freedom from Fear
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachJust think how it would be to wake up every morning feeling confident and secure, knowing that you have all the skills and talent to deal with whatever lies ahead. Wouldn't it be wonderful to fully live your life free from doubt, free from inhibition, free from imagined disasters, unafraid to joyfully open your mind and heart to others?
This book examines the various aspects of fear and the disastrous effect it has on our life and the world around us. We learn that fear is the fundamental drive behind many of our daily thoughts and actions. But do not despair - take heart! Fear can be conquered, and in this book the Master tells us how.

Freedom from Our Fault Finding Nature
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD5.00 eachMost of us will agree that life is as we make it. But do we consider how we make our lives? Do we spend our days criticizing and finding fault in others? If so, how does this tendency affect us? What far-reaching and enduring effect does it have on the lives of those we criticize? The faultfinding tendency is a double-edged sword: Often camouflaged as “just telling the truth” or “frankness,” it is a weapon that often injures both the wielder and the victim.
In this helpful and enlightening little booklet, dedicated to the Yogavatar of Love, Paramahamsa Yoganandaji, Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji explains the negative effects of faultfinding and offers practical insight into overcoming this destructive tendency. He shows us why happiness will elude us until we eradicate it from our lives.

Freedom from Sorrow
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachIn this uplifting and insightful booklet, we learn that freedom from sorrow does not mean we will always be free from hardship and misfortune; it means that when unpleasant circumstances arrive, we can remain unshaken and free ourselves from sorrow’s icy grip. Through his deep understanding of the human condition, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda explains the actions that lead us to a state of sadness and depression. He teaches us the practical steps we can take to overcome negative thinking and reacting to difficult situations that confront us. In a world where many of us fall victim to the negativity and uncertainty that surrounds us, this small booklet holds the key to finding lasting happiness.

Freedom from the Judgmental Attitude
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachJudging others ruins relationships, distorts reality, causes unhappiness, destroys peace of mind, creates division, and prevents us from going further on the spiritual path. Unfortunately for most of us, judging others comes so naturally that we barely notice when judgments seep into our thoughts and words. It is a tendency that many on the spiritual journey long to overcome. Not judging others is a daily battle, and because we don't understand it or know how to stop it, it is a battle we most often lose.A judgmental attitude is a formidable foe, but in this insightful booklet, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches us how to be victorious in our battle. We learn that only through inner awareness, compassion for others, sympathy, and understanding can we rise above this tendency. Then we can take a giant stride forward in experiencing divine love and unity.

Friendship: The Story of Two Loving Mothers
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachParamahamsa Prajnananandaji lovingly narrates the sweet and awe-inspiring story of friendship and love between two truly remarkable and heroic women; one was his mother, and the other his aunt. It is a story that is told with implicit honesty, admiration, beauty, and love. It is a story that teaches us that true friendship is a most precious gift from God. In a world filled with selfishness and superficial relationships, Benguli and Shukuti, later known as Swami Gurupremanandaji and Swami Amritanandaji, found a rare treasure, a treasure that will remain with them forever.

Gautama Buddha
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachAn inspiring look at the life and teachings of the Buddha.

Glimpses of a Divine Life
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachParamahamsa Prajnanananda invites us to glimpse the virtues that guided Shri Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharananda to achieve the highest goal in life. It is an intimate reflection on the qualities that transformed Shri Gurudev from a disciple into a God-realised master.
This book challenges us as seekers to look deeply into the mirrors of our lives. We like to believe we are on the spiritual path, but are we truly striving for change? Shri Gurudev was a rare human being who transformed his beliefs into reality. His life bore the message that we can do the same by following in his footprints.

Humble Hariharananda
Paramahamsa Hariharananda
AUD25.00 eachLetters by spiritual masters are a source of inspiration, just like the letters of Saint Paul in the Bible were of practical, spiritual instructions.
This compilation of some of his letters will help students in their studies, householders in living a family life, and spiritual seekers on various aspects of spiritual life.

Humble Submission: Reflections on the Guru Paduka Stotram
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachThe Guru Paduka Stotram is a poignant and heartfelt hymn by Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha, the former Shankaracharya of Puri and the sannyasa guru of Paramahamsa Hariharananda. Within the pages of this book Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, discusses this hymn of adoration dedicated to the guru. The words of this hymn are captivating and inspiring, as it beautifully describes the role of the gurupreceptor in the lives of spiritual seekers.

Humility: The Stepping Stone to Spirituality
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachHumility is perhaps the least understood, but the most important, of all virtues. No good quality can be deemed a virtue unless it is grounded in humility. When seekers of Truth lack humility, they stand still on the path of spiritual growth. If we are not humble, our good qualities are nothing more than fodder for the false ego — the ego that prevents us from knowing who we really are.
In this small but thought-provoking book, Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji dispels misconceptions often associated with humility. We learn how and why humility creates invincible strength. We learn that it is not a weakness as many believe it to be. Through deep spiritual insight and his own experiences the master clearly outlines the steps that must be taken to cultivate humility.

I Will Collect Flowers for Thee
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachTry to imagine a world without flowers. What would it be like? How would you describe a flower? Poets have compared them to clusters of stars or the secret abode of forest fairies. Some insightful beings have compared them to the soul. Flowers have a special message for seekers on the spiritual path. Flowers show us that the spiritual path need not be complicated. There is no need to follow complex doctrines or subject oneself to difficult or harsh penance. One simply needs to emulate a flower’s purity, beauty, and selflessness.
In I Will Collect Flowers For Thee Paramahamsa Prajnanananda presents original and thought-provoking insight about how our lives are like gardens, and our minds are like gardeners. As this marvellous book nourishes you, it will also challenge you to consider the role you play in the wanton destruction of the natural world. You cannot read this book without feeling a greater love and respect for Mother Earth. Paramahamsaji’s complete oneness with nature will speak to you on many levels. May every new revelation take seed in your heart and mind, blossom into a magnificent flower, and bring beauty and inspiration to all God’s creation.

In the Company of My Master - Volume 1
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 each
In the Company of My Master - Volume 2
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD35.00 eachOur parents teach us about the world, but a spiritual master teaches us about what lies beyond it. A master teaches us how to conquer the world by conquering ourselves. When a student is receptive and follow’s the master’s guidance, advancement on the spiritual path is assured. When the teachings take root in the heart and mind, they flourish and grow when faithfully practiced with discipline and love. Through his unflinching spirit, dedication, selfless love, and devotion, Prajnananandaji was perfectly attuned to his master and ultimately achieved the pinnacle of Self-realisation.
This second volume of In the Company of My Master contains Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji’s notes and recollections as a young disciple of his beloved Gurudev. Prajnananandaji shares some of his most treasured memories, revealing the master’s words and actions that laid the foundation and provided the necessary thrust for him to achieve the ultimate goal of life. It is an indispensable source of inspiration for every seeker. As we read this book, we will realise that when we follow the master’s teachings with implicit faith and love, everything is possible.

In the Company of My Master - Volume 3
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD30.00 eachGreat beings have great goals. Spiritual greatness is achieved by those who have the noblest and highest goal of all. But the goal is not enough. One must also possess the determination, discipline, and love to pursue it wholeheartedly.
At an age when most young men are chasing dreams of financial success and relationships, Triloki Dash (later known as Paramahamsa Prajnanananda) focused on only one thing: attaining the summit of spiritual realization. His intense longing eventually led him to the ashram of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, one of the greatest realized masters in modern history. Among spiritual giants Paramahamsa Hariharananda was extraordinary. His teachings were simple, his depth unfathomable. His words and actions had a weighty purpose; they were all hints to help his students unravel the mystery of life. His life was a living scripture. Ultimately, his most remarkable quality was the unconditional love that flowed like a mighty river from his heart. It charged the atmosphere and transformed the lives of countless spiritual seekers.
This marvelous book is the third volume in a series written from Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s notes during his discipleship at the feet of his beloved Paramahamsa Hariharananda. It is an invaluable tool for every seeker of Truth. The deeply personal narrative provides an intimate glimpse into the mind and heart of an exceptional student as well as into the teachings that helped him attain spiritual realization. We are also allowed to witness the eternal bond of love between a realized master and his devoted student.

In The Temple of Silence
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 eachSilence isn’t just golden; it is divine. Silence is inherently sacred. It is multidimensional, vast, and eternal. Unfortunately, in our social media-driven lives most of us know little about it. In the outer world, silence can lead us to better communication skills and stronger relationships. In the inner world, it can lead us to communion with God. There is no greater teacher than silence. In the holy classroom of silence, all of life’s secrets are revealed.
In this amazing, one-of-a-kind book Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches us the importance and impact of practicing silence. Few of us realize the value of silence, how it can lead to self-mastery, and how it can accelerate spiritual growth. Practicing silence is not escapism; it connects us to life at its deepest level. When we enter the temple of silence, we are not escaping from life; instead, we are learning how to live to the fullest.

Jnana Sankalini Tantra
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachPrajnananandaji explains the true sacred meaning and hidden truths of tantric meditation.

Journey to the West: 40th Anniversary Souvenir
AUD25.00 eachThis commemorative travel journal spans four decades of Kriya Yoga in the West with stories and photos from Paramahamsa Hariharananda's beautiful life as a supreme yogi and God-realized saint. It begins with his auspicious 1974 decision to depart India and spread the original, rare practice of simple meditative techniques. Private accounts from his most devoted disciples are colorful and touching, along with newspaper accounts of Gurudev's mission to bring Self-realization to the masses.