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escence of kriya yoga

The Essence of Kriya Yoga

Paramahamsa Hariharananda

AUD15.00 each

Seemingly lost for centuries, the ancient science of Kriya Yoga was resurrected in 1861 when Shri Lahiri Mahasaya, the fountainhead of Kriya Yoga, took initiation from Mahavatar Babaji, who instructed him to teach this divine technique to a suffering humanity. In this book, The Essence of Kriya Yoga, the renowned Kriya Yogi Paramahamsa Hariharananda shares his vast knowledge and personal insight of the history and science of Kriya Yoga.


The Essence of the Gita

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD15.00 each

As with many of the world’s most significant scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita’s rich metaphorical gems have been misconstrued by the masses. The Bhagavad Gita stands alone in describing the human predicament — our erroneous identification with our bodies and minds that prevents us from recognizing our divine heritage. It teaches us the way out of this mortal dilemma, and it details the paths that lead to freedom and immortality. However, when reading the Gita, one can easily overlook the profound spiritual truths that are subtly cloaked in the retelling of the Mahabharata battle.

Swami Shriyukteshwarji loved the Bhagavad Gita and held its lofty teachings in the highest esteem. He also understood that to mine its underlying message, it must be read with two sets of eyes: the physical eyes and the eyes of the soul. Disheartened by the many commentaries on the Gita that barely skimmed its surface, Shriyukteshwarji felt compelled to write a book that would help seekers access its infinite depth. The original version of his book, the Gitar Tattva, was written in Bengali. Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji cherished it for years and was inspired to translate it into English so seekers around the world could benefit from its teachings. The Essence of the Gita will gently lift your mind from the mundane world to soar in the heights of the inner divine realms.

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The Flower Garland

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD15.00 each

In India, flower garlands are usually offered to God and the spiritual masters as a symbolic offering from the heart with love and devotion. Upon the seventy-fifth anniversary of Master Paramahamsa Hariharananda's renunciation of worldly life and his arrival in Puri, the author offers this collection of his beloved master's teachings to inspire others. The book includes reminiscences of Paramahamsa Hariharananda's childhood, episodes of ashram life, and many tales of his travels and lectures given around the world.

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The Last Decade

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each

A master piece from Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, current spiritual head of the unbroken lineage of Kriya Yoga masters. The Last Decade is a touching and poignant recollection of a worthy disciple's experiences and learning, spanning a decade at the feet of one of the greatest Kriya Yoga masters, Paramahamsa Hariharananda.


The Law of Karma

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each

Karma is a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions.
Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bondage of karma? This fascinating subject opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. In this rare and essential handbook, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


The Lineage of Kriya Yoga Masters

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each

The lives and teachings of the masters of our lineage.


The Lord's Prayer

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each
The secret of immortality lies within the simple and loving words of the Lord’s Prayer. The deepest truths are often cloaked with a veil of simple ideas and words. Who can fathom the depth of the humble words “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”?
More than two millennia ago a disciple asked Lord Jesus how to pray. He responded with the words that are now known as the Lord’s Prayer. One can imagine that Jesus knew this beautiful prayer would not only be for a select few, but would endure for centuries, to be repeated by countless worshippers and seekers, to become one of the most beloved prayers of all times.
Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji’s commentary on the Lord’s Prayer is thought provoking and unique. His deep love for Jesus ignites the flame of love in our hearts. His profound understanding of the Truth reveals the prayer’s underlying spiritual meaning. The reader will undoubtedly quickly discover that beyond the surface of the prayer’s words lies divine treasure. Paramahamsaji helps us see that prayer is much more than reciting beautiful or loving words. He tells us that as seekers on the path we must bring those words to life in our thoughts, words, and actions.

The Mahabharata: The Entrance to the Temple of the Gita

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD25.00 each

No other scripture captures the essence of Truth as completely and powerfully as the Mahabharata. Within this work of infinite knowledge is found a rare and priceless jewel, the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita narrates a battle between cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, which is the battle between good and evil, a battle that rages in the minds and hearts of all human beings. Through the master's insightful commentary, we can acquire an intimate and in-depth understanding of the characters in this timeless epic and what they mean for our lives. This knowledge can inspire us to be victorious in our holy battles to reclaim the divine kingdom within.


The Mystical Torah: A Yogi's Perspective

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each

Throughout the ages, countless millions have read and followed the teachings of the Torah. Most notable among its teachings are the Ten Commandments, revealed to Moses by God eons ago, yet still considered the moral code for many today. As with all sacred texts, the Torah is often understood at only one level by the masses, when its words are taken literally. When describing the Torah, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda has said, “The Torah is a treasure trove of wisdom, but one must know how to extract its riches.” From a Yogi’s Perspective, we are given a glimpse of the hidden treasures found in the Torah.

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The Path of Perfection

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each

Life is the ultimate teacher. Who am I? Where am I going? This invaluable text reassures us that we are not alone, that walking the Path of Perfection is the journey home. This compilation of talks given at the Kriya Yoga Centre in Tattendorf, Austria was intended to help us along the spiritual path, reminding us that human life is a special gift from God. We can make life beautiful by living with love, service, and spiritual discipline.


The Path of Sadhana

Shri Rabinarayan Das Babaji

AUD20.00 each

Many aspire to follow a spiritual path, but there are a select few who have the real desire to go much deeper in their practice. In this book, spiritual luminary Shri Rabinarayan Das Babaji reaches out to those who aspire to turn their total attention to the Divine as well as those who have already embarked on their journey but who perhaps are in need of a little direction.

The author takes a step-by-step approach to explaining the path of sadhana, and does so with the fiery and perfectionist passion that he was so lovingly known for. In doing so, he underlines the nature and the importance of the guru–disciple relationship and why determination, strength, loyalty, and total surrender are essential on the part of the sadhaka.


The Path of Self Knowledge - The Atma Bodha of Acharya Shankara Explained

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD30.00 each

Many of us are fascinated with Self-realization, but few of us work to achieve it. Most of us have no idea what it takes to reach the goal. Nothing is more rewarding than success on the spiritual path, but we approach this path blindly, unprepared for its challenges. The fundamental goal of spiritual practice is to destroy the darkness of ignorance that obscures reality and our true identity. Only one thing can eliminate the darkness: the inner light of knowledge that reveals the truth.

Acharya Shankara, the author of the Atma Bodha and many other treasured spiritual texts, dedicated his short but extraordinary life to helping humankind reach Self-realization. The Atma Bodha is a step-by-step guide that teaches seekers how to walk the path of knowledge and avoid the journey's countless pitfalls.

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The Road Less Travelled

Swami Gurupriyananda

AUD15.00 each

The author describes her journey as an educated wife and mother with a professional career, on the rigorous path to monkhood.
This is the personal account of one woman's transformation, offering a view of the growth of Prajnana Mission.
This book contains an account of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda's development from a pious young brahmachari to a world renowned spiritual leader.

The Science of Kriya Yoga

Paramahamsa Hariharananda

AUD15.00 each

“Kriya Yoga is a scientific technique. It is the easiest, quickest, simplest technique for God-realization.” These were the heartfelt words of Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji, the renowned Kriya Yoga master who tested and proved the effectiveness of this transformational technique for himself. He devoted his life to tirelessly propagating the message of Kriya Yoga for the advancement of a disillusioned humanity.

This book outlines the various stages of Kriya yoga, their techniques and effects.


The Significance of Hindu Worship

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each

The roots of Hinduism are venerable, ancient, and enduring. Even though it is the world’s oldest religion, it is still one of the largest. This is an irrefutable testament to the eternal Truth it represents. Nevertheless, throughout history the ritualistic practices and deity worship of the Hindu religion have been widely misunderstood by non-Hindus as well as its own worshippers. For the most part, the hidden meaning behind the practices has been forgotten; their true intent remains a mystery. Unfortunately, when the worship of any religion lacks insight and understanding, when it becomes mechanical rather than purposeful, its power to help seekers transcend the mundane is diminished. Religious practices are more effective when devotees acquire the ability to penetrate the surface.

The Significance of Hindu Worship, written by the eminent Kriya Yoga Master Paramahamsa Hariharananda, is a fascinating exploration of the inner meaning of some of Hinduism’s most significant rituals and practices. This easily understood, enlightening book eliminates many misconceptions regarding the different aspects of Hindu worship, revealing its true, hidden beauty. Through his profound wisdom, Paramahamsaji illuminates the remarkable essence of Hindu worship and sets every reader on a path to greater understanding and respect for one of the world’s most important religions.


The Story of the Eight Obstacles

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD15.00 each

To be victorious on the spiritual path, we must overcome the obstacles that prevent us from realizing our true potential. Most of us perceive that obstacles stem from difficult circumstances or people, but a yogi perceives things differently. A yogi knows that the source of every obstacle is rooted in our own thoughts and feelings. To achieve spiritual growth and win the sacred battle of life, we must make every effort to identify our inner obstacles and vanquish them.

This book teaches us the practical skills we need to conquer these obstacles that bind us; to be free.

ten cmd yoga

The Ten Commandments of Yoga

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD15.00 each

This book explains in detail the origin and meanings of the major steps in the path to enlightenment, from the path of self-discipline, Yama and Niyama, to the path of surrender to the Divine. Through clear explanations of abstract concepts and illustrative anecdotes, this discussion makes pursuit of a God-consciousness and moral life seem possible and appealing. Cultivating the virtues of non-violence, truthfulness, and self-awareness, we may know inner contentment and what it means to be a yogi.

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The Torah, the Bible and Kriya Yoga

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD25.00 each

A metaphorical explanation of the Torah and the New Testament in the light of Kriya Yoga.

universe within

The Universe Within

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD15.00 each

A unique text reveals to the reader a knowledge of the function of each of the chakras, and how to take control them.

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The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD30.00 each

A translation of the classic sanskrit text with commentary by Shri Lahiri Mayasaya and a metaphorical explanation by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda.


Understanding Ego

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD20.00 each
Is ego your friend and well-wisher? Or is it your adversary and the source of your suffering? Is it mature, poised, and loving, or childish, selfish, and unruly? What is this ego you call “me”? How would you describe it, and is it who you really are?
While living in this world, we have many duties, but nothing is as important as mastering the ego. In Understanding Ego, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda helps us unlock the mystery of the ego. He reveals how we can overcome our weaknesses and unleash our unlimited divine potential. By understanding the nature of ego, we can gain the wisdom and confidence needed to remove the painful and unsightly thorns from the inner rose of our hearts. We are meant to be ever-blossoming flowers that bring beauty and joy to every living being in this world.

What the Corona Virus Teaches Us

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD3.00 each

Our inability to contain the coronavirus pandemic has left many of us searching for answers and struggling to stay afloat. Turbulent waves of uncertainty and fear surround us. Many of us feel victimised and angry. We are concerned about our health, the health of loved ones, and the economic unravelling. This microscopic foe, COVID-19, has shaken the world to its core. Hopefully, it has also awakened some of us from our slumber.

For far too long, humankind has been traveling down a path of wanton destruction and greed, with an appalling disregard for other living beings. Could this virus be the result of our reckless behaviour? In this candid and profound little booklet Paramahamsa Prajnanananda discusses many of the perplexing problems humanity is now facing and how we can use this current crisis to heal ourselves and the planet. During this critical chapter of the world’s evolution, we must learn from our mistakes, vow to change our lives, and lift up those around us.


Who Are You? Talks on Dasha Shloki of Acharya Shankara

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD15.00 each

Centuries ago the legendary and gifted spiritual master Shri Adi Shankara left the world a priceless treasure: ten brief, powerful verses known as the Dasha Shloki. Shri Shankara, a spiritual genius, spontaneously spoke these gems of Truth as an eight-year-old child in response to a simple question put forth by his guru: “Who are you?” His inspiring answers can ignite the flame of knowledge within the minds of all sincere seekers.

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Words of Wisdom: Inspiring Stories and Parables

Paramahamsa Hariharananda

AUD15.00 each

In spiritual life, the masters use parables to teach people the intricacies of spiritual life. Stories, by means of narrative techniques, take the mind to higher levels of spiritual understanding. Many of the stories have been retold by saints and sages, parents and grandparents.


Yoga: Pathway to the Divine

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

AUD15.00 each

Teachings of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda.

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